Thursday, February 17, 2011

Opinion Editorial (Bound Feet)

Like in most dynasties in that time period in the Southern Song dynasty is was traditional for women to bind the feet as a social symbol; this excruciatingly painful and degrading process made it possible for them to obtain a good marriage since bound feet were a symbol or class and status. I completely disagree with this, because this implies that women were just another pretty object lacking emotions or dignity. Also it implies that men were superior and that women could not do what men could therefore they had there feet bound making it nearly impossible to moving quickly, restricting there travel and ability to stand up to men because that gave then no power. Also girls started this around the age of five which meant that they were hardly old enough to understand what was going on, or oppose, so they were basically forced into something that would hurt them, limit there movement, and cause them to lose all there dignity just to please men! Girls would even have to break the arch of there foot many times forcing the toes under the foot itself, leaving there feet a total of 5 inches long just to secure a good marriage. To conclude I completely disagree with bound feet.

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