Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Interview with Meng

Us- We are so glad to have an empress with us today!
Meng- Thank you it’s so great to be here.

Us- Now Meng, tell us about your first husband Zhe Zong; how did you feel when he left
you for the alluring concubine Lui?
Meng- After being selected from 100 candidates to be his bride and empress, I have to say I was to say the least pretty distort. I just couldn’t believe he left me for a concubine, I really thought that he loved me. To make it worse he pressed witchcraft charges against me. I never did any of that yet I was still put into jail.

Us- Did anything good come of this?
Meng- Well…when the jurchen army took over Kaifeng all the rulers were rounded up as prisoners, but that’s to what happened I was over looked. After one of the Jurchens became emperor, he found out about me and asked me to serve as his regent.

Us- Did you agree?
Meng- I did but not for long. Once I found out that the old emperor Gazong had survived; (he had fled earlier) I stepped down and acknowledged him as china rightful ruler.

Us- Wow, that was very admirable, what was his reaction?
Meng- He was extremely grateful. He had me spirited out of Kaifeng, and welcomed me into his court in Hazong. But I was forced to by courtiers to serve as regent to his three year old son. That was a conspiracy that was eventually ended, and I gladly returned the boy to his fathers care.

Us- Do you consider your self a guarding of china?
Meng- I Believe that I was and will be remembered as one of the true guardians of china but am not so sure I completely agree with that. I like to think that I was a small contribution to great people.

Us- Well it was great to speak with you, thank you for coming today we greatly appreciate that!
Meng- I’m just glad I could share my story with you.

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